Prof. Fretwell brings genuine educational credentials and practical experience to the environmental debate, giving kids the straight scoop about global warming -- and the potentially devastating human and economic consequences of politically motivated responses to it. - world ahead publishing
When I received THE SKY'S NOT FALLING, WHY IT'S OK TO CHILL ABOUT GLOBAL WARMIING by Holly Fretwell to review, I was a little concerned about the subject matter. I have to admit that I know little, if anything, about global warming. I am embarrassed to say that I have never researched global warming; but if pressed, I would say that it's probably a pretty serious issue. Since I know so little about it though, I was not reading the book with any preconceived notions. I figured a children's book outlining the issue of global warming would most likely be at the right level for me to understand!
For the most part, I found the book very interesting and I did agree with the author on many of her points; however, I'm not sure that my daughter at 8 years old could understand a lot of the explanations. While I do think that the book was geared for young children, I think the higher age range (maybe 11 to 12 years old) would appreciate the book more.
I felt like the author did a very good job supporting her ideas on global warming; but I have to warn you that she is coming at the issue from a very conservative stance. Having said that, I do think that any child interested in the issue of global warming should read this book as well as other books that have arguments supporting its existence. I think the author would basically agree with this premise since she advocates that our children should learn to be critical thinkers - critical as in carefully evaluating the world around them.
One thing I really enjoyed (and I'm sure my 8 year old daughter would love as well) were the Fun Facts which were interspersed throughout the book. I also liked the charts, graphs and pictures that she used to support her arguments. There is a section in the back specifically for parents where the author tells why she wrote this book - "to show readers, young and old, the connection between our freedoms and environmental quality." I also really liked the message at the end of the book for children: "Learn all you can about our amazing planet and the people that live on it. Learn how to think for yourself. Look at the big picture before deciding what you believe and keep and open mind."
1 comment:
Great review, Julie! It's quite a controversial book, that's for sure. Holly was a gem to work with on her virtual book tour with us so I really got to know her personally. Wonderful person. I think you approached her book with professionalism and I look forward to reading more of your reviews!
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