I am so happy to say that our Mother Daughter Book Club is going strong. Even though everyone is super busy right now with end of the school year events, we still had five moms and daughter groups at our meeting. The girls gathered their snacks and sat at the table, while the moms were chatting in the kitchen. Before we knew what was going on, the girls started their own discussion. While I was very interested in knowing what they were saying, they made it quite clear that they wanted to do this on their own! Of course, we kept peeking in at them and tried to listen to what they were saying. Much to our enjoyment, all of the girls were asking questions and discussing the book. Even though I kind of felt like I was missing their discussion, I was so proud that the girls took their own initiative to "run" the meeting on their own.
It was unanimous among the girls that PIPPI LONGSTOCKING by Astrid Lindgren was the best book that we've read and discussed so far. I'm pretty sure that's because the girls actually picked what book they wanted to read rather than following the Mother Daughter Book Club kit. They all loved the book and now want to read the other books about Pippi's adventures. Most of the girls chose the chapter with Pippi at the circus as their favorite, but one girl thought the chapter where Pippi went to school was the funniest (I have to agree with her on that one.)

I loved these books when I was younger. I always thought Pippi would be a "gas" to hang out with. Definitely some to keep in mind when my daughter is older.
I love how your group's daughters took over and did their own thing.. sounds like you're raising quite independent little girls who love to read.. good job, Mom!!
So cool! Another blogger and I are going to start a summer book club for our girls, even though they are still a bit young for independant reading. I can't wait!
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