Saturday, January 3, 2009

All Out of Whack!

This isn't an apology for not posting regularly through the holidays -- I know that I'd be flattering myself if a few of you even noticed my sporadic/non-existent blogging. But I do want to touch base with all of you because I've missed all of your comments.

Now that everyone in the house is back to normal health-wise, we are just enjoying the holidays. Today, some of my in-laws are coming to celebrate Christmas. I feel a little bad that it doesn't look like Christmas anymore around here -- I took down all of the decorations on the 27th because I just couldn't take all of the chaos anymore. Of course my little guy is excited to get more presents (just what he needs.) One more big meal to eat and then the dieting starts again. I've gained a few pounds back over the holidays and I'm thinking that it will be easier to take them off right away.

My husband and kids have been home for almost two weeks, so my reading and reviewing are taking a back-seat to other family activities (and rightly so.) We did lots of after-Christmas shopping, and we had a great time bowling. We also did a major toy/basement cleanup. While I am enjoying the family time, I have to admit that I'm just about ready for life to go back to normal.

Another reason that I'm reading less is that I'm watching a lot more television. My husband and I are catching up on Season 2 of Dexter; and I've been watching lots of football! We also got a Blu-Ray for Christmas, so I've been watching some movies. I saw three movies in the last three days -- so unlike me because I don't think I watch three movies a year. They were all just okay for me, but I'm not a big movie person. I saw Mamma Mia, Get Smart and 21 ( I definitely liked the book BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE way better than the movie version.)

I finally started reading again the past few days, but I have read some good ones! Now if I can just get back to writing some reviews. That's my goal for Monday morning when the husband is back at work and the kids are back in school. I started IMMORTAL last night for our January book club and so far I'm really enjoying it. I need to finish that one soon so I can start THE HOUR I FIRST BELIEVED for the Book Club Girl BlogTalk Radio show in January.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I'm glad to know everyone's well these days. We've been off schedule around here, too. Carl goes back to work on Monday, but Vance doesn't start classes again until the 20th!

  2. I started The Hour I First Believed on Thursday. It's my first experience with Wally Lamb and I'm really enjoying it. A friend at work is reading it too, so I'm trying t pace myself so we can discuss it as we read. I'm on p. 203 right's reading a lot quicker than I expected it to.

  3. I've missed your posts Julie and look forward to your regular posting. We all have to keep that balance between our blogging and family life! My husband and I have been catching up on Lost Season 4 in preparation for the new season so I can relate to that! I really want to see Mamma Mia, that sounds like a fun movie. I couldn't get through Immortal, the brothel scenes were just too disturbing for me. There are so many wonderful books waiting to be read that I decided to take it back to the library. I have to start The Hour I first believed as well but have my book club book and another review book to finish that has a deadline.

  4. It gets crazy over the holidays, doesn't it? Good to see you back!


  5. I'm glad that you are all doing well and don't worry too much about the added pounds. I do think it is much easier to lose them right after you have gained them. A lot are in the same boat I'm sure, including myself.

    I go back to work next week so I'm sure my reading will drop a bit but I am going to try and maintain the pace I have been at these past few weeks.

    Looking forward to your regular posts again.

  6. I'm on page 250 of The Hour I First Believed and it is a great read that is hard to put down (unless you collapse from exhaustion when your head hits the pillow like me).

  7. Glad to hear everyone's feeling better. I took an online vacation over the holidays myself, and things are finally getting back to normal. Wishing you a happy new year!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  8. I think its good to be on a blog break for a bit...helps you reassess and rejuvenate. I am behind on Google Reader though, but I'm sure everyone is. Some posted more over the holidays than the rest of us.

    I hope you are all feeling better and had a great holiday.
