Created by Brook Noel as she sought to make over her own life in an achievable step-by-step fashion, the premise of The Change Your Life Challenge is that although our lives are complicated, our systems do not need to be. Noel will show readers how to make over finances, friendships, relationships, family, organization, health, fitness, self, home, self-esteem and spirituality. Readers will learn:
- A step by step system for conquering clutter and keeping your home clean
- How to make time work for you—instead of against you
- How to discover and live by your core values and beliefs
- The key to never forgetting anything
- How to end procrastination
Simple daily actions can result in an entire lifelong makeover—just take the challenge. -- Sourcebooks
How many times have you wanted to change your life? Brook Noel, author of the motivating THE CHANGE YOUR LIFE CHALLENGE, is an innovative and encouraging woman on a mission to make a difference in lives across the country!
Known for the interactive experiences she creates for program members, Brook will kick off a virtual tour starting next Mon., Jan. 26, with a free, week-long workshop that will help women manage their time, get organized, decrease stress, live by their priorities, and get 2009 off to a balanced and exciting start. For more info and to register for the free program, go to http://www.maketodaymatter.net/tour.htm.
To sign up for the free seminar, you can visit Brook’s Facebook page: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=54952104896&ref=nf.
Additionally, anyone who buys her book at Target or Costco stores nationwide can submit their receipt; and in exchange they’ll receive a free month-long membership to Brook’s Make Today Matter Life Coaching System.
By leaving a comment, you have the chance to win a copy of Brook’s book, THE CHANGE YOUR LIFE CHALLENGE! Let me know what you think of your own resolutions, or what has helped you change your own life over the years. Make sure you leave a valid e-mail address with your comment. One lucky commenter will win a copy of Brook’s book and can jumpstart the challenge to make today matter. This contest will be open until January 29th at 11:59 p.m EST and is open to those of you with U.S. mailing addresses. I will announce the winner on the following day.
No need to enter me. I'm just dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.
My faith in God has helped me change my life for the better. zthanks for the contest, Julie.
I have had wonderful luck with writing my goals down. There's something about putting them down on a piece of paper that's helps you attain them. Really.
My son's accident in November 2007 challenged me terribly. It strengthened my faith ( the power of prayer and God's grace) more than anything else.
I'm pretty sure that I have ADD as I never seem to get anything accomplished. I'll get back to you on how to change your life once I'm on meds. LOL
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
This looks good. Setting goals/resolutions is something I continually struggle with, but keep on trying to do.
Terrific giveaway. je2kids(at)yahoo(dot)com
Ugh, as much as I don't want to admit this, yet this book could really fill a need here! I enrolled for the on-line course/seminar and would love a copy of the book to reference in the future!
The way I work at changing my life for the better is to always pray to do God's Will, before, during and after.
Thanks so much,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
My close friends have helped me make my life soo much better :D
my email is on my blog :D sorry I don't like posting it here because of spam, I don't need more of that hehe
I set my resolutions as goals. Seems to make them more reasonable. This year I am breaking them down into to do lists throughout the year, on the suggestion of another blogger.
daq_17 at hotmail dot com
Good self-help books and supportive friends have helped me change my own life over the years :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I work on setting goals for myself rather than resolutions. I try to break them down into short term goals so that I can work on them and see postive results. If I try to take on too much and set my expectations too high, I usually fail. This has helped me although it is still a challenge!
I'm going to look into joining the seminar. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Sounds like just what I need!
Thanks for this lovely giveaway.
I try to stick to my important goals by realizing that life is short and making these a priority. Having perseverence and strength is necessary in order to accomplish the things in life.
I'm very interested in the book. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
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