BARON THINKS DOGS ARE PEOPLE TOO! by Laurie Dean was a cute book that my four year old son adored. He loved the concept of this book -- that Baron, an easily excited dog, was looking for a best friend. Not only did my son understand the messages in the story, but he was also thoroughly entertained with Baron's antics.
BARON THINKS DOGS ARE PEOPLE TOO! is illustrated by Kevin Collier. The pages are filled with colorful images, and there are also few words on each page. My son had absolutely no problem sitting for the entire book. He enjoyed the various illustrations of Baron and found the pictures of his "happy" behavior to be very funny.
As a mother, I liked the overall messages in this book. While Baron wasn't a "bad" dog, he was a little hyper and did get into some trouble. His owners sent him to doggie obedience school where Baron had to work very hard to learn to behave. I found this message -- that sometimes you have to work to get better at things -- to be wonderful for children of all ages. I stressed to my son that he will have to occasionally work hard to do the right thing and be responsible just like Baron. I also liked the concept that friends do make sacrifices for each other and often times have to put others first. The book showed that if you treat others well, you will be rewarded with their friendship.
My son and I definitely enjoyed this cute little story. He was entertained by the story and pictures, while I appreciated the messages. Beside being a fun book to read with your children, there is another wonderful reason to buy this book. Laurie Dean is currently contributing $1 from the sale of each book to Operation Smile.
I love the title, too, because our dog definitely thinks she a person!
This one looks cute! I love dog stories.
Diary of an Eccentric
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