This week it's all about judging books by their covers! Pick a book--any book, really--and search out multiple book cover images for that book. They could span a decade or two (or more)...Or they could span several countries. Which cover is your favorite? Which one is your least favorite? Which one best 'captures' what the book is about?
The book I selected is MATRIMONY by Joshua Henkin. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will know that this book and author hold a special place in my heart because Mr. Henkin joined my book club last year to discuss his novel. At our meeting last May, the book was only out in the hardcover version. My entire book club loved the cover and thought it captured the essence of the novel perfectly.

Since I thought this cover was so perfect for this novel, I asked Mr. Henkin if the trade paperback version would have the same cover. I was a little surprised when he told us that it would be completely different covere. After our meeting, he actually e-mailed me a sneak preview. I was so excited to get this advance viewing!

What do you think? If you've read MATRIMONY or even if you haven't, which cover do you like better?
I didn't read the book but I like both covers. The second one reminds me somewhat of the cover for "The Time Traveler's wife", though, so I'd go for number one as well. I'll have to look the book up and see what exactly it is about.
I like the first one. Shouldn'tjudge a book by its cover but I'd buy this book based on that cover.
I like both covers, but think I'm a little partial to the trade paperback since that's the one I won from your site!
Both good, but I also prefer the first one.
I like the first one.
I haven't read the book either but I also prefer the first one. I would love to have those blue shoes, too, though! :)
i like the cover with the shoes. it just seems to match the title.
I definitely prefer the first one!
Whoops - sorry!
I like the first one better. For some reason, the blue shoes make me think of a child rather than a woman. I can't tell, are those high heels?
I loved this book, and I really loved the hardcover's cover design. I like the subtlety and implied intimacy of the details of daily life. I found the paperback design a lot less appealing, and I think it kind of bangs you over the head with the idea.
I have the hardcover one!
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