This award-winning pregnancy countdown calendar is completely written by ME - your baby-to-be! Tired of all the technical medical jargon and reading about all the things that can go wrong during pregnancy? This book will keep everything in perspective and remind you daily that you are creating a little miracle. I'll tell you what is happening each day of your pregnancy as I develop from conception to birth.
Just flip one page a day and find out when my heart begins to beat for the first time, when I can hear your voice, or when I reach the length and weight of a hot dog roll. You'll know every little thing that's happening.
You'll also be able to track how many days remain until your due date, and will have room to write your thoughts or notes each day. You also get free stickers to mark my first kick, hiccups, and other memorable pregnancy events.
How to use this calendar:
- Follow along every day to see the progress of your very own little miracle
- Have Dad be in charge of flipping the page each day to make sure he feels included
- Wrap up a copy for each of my grandparents-to-be to announce your pregnancy. Trust me - they didn't know this stuff when you were born and will love being part of the miracle of life again.
Give a copy to any friends who are pregnant - they will love you for it! -- Motherly Way Enterprises
I don't know if you saw my review yesterday for a terrific activity book for a future big brother or big sister called MAKING ME, but author Julie B. Carr has done it again. Her pregnancy journal COUNTDOWN TO MY BIRTH: A Day-By-Day Account from Your Baby's Point of View is another wonderful idea for someone who is expecting a baby. I sure wish I had had COUNTDOWN TO MY BIRTH when I was pregnant.
COUNTDOWN TO MY BIRTH is a daily account of a pregnancy as told by the unborn baby. It actually looks like one of those flip calendars, but it is also a journal (it even includes cute little stickers.) The premise is similar to MAKING ME -- you countdown the 40 weeks of your pregnancy by changing a page each day. Each page give you a little hint about what is happening with your baby on (or around) that day. It's especially cute since it's written from the baby's point of view. There is also a place for today's date, how many weeks and days you are into your pregnancy, and how many days are left. I also like that it has small section for the expectant mother to take notes. I like that you could capture your thoughts and feelings about your pregnancy using this calendar.
I would have loved it if someone had bought this journal for me when I was expecting. Truth be told, I probably would have bought it for myself had it been available. It makes a wonderful gift for the pregnant woman in your life, but it also would be a wonderful present for the expecting grandparents too! Check out the author's website Unique Pregnancy Gifts for more great gift ideas!
A big thanks to Julie B. Carr for sending me a copy of COUNTDOWN TO MY BIRTH.
That sounds amazing. When I was pregnant, I enjoyed a book that went week by week of your pregnancy. It was fun to be able to move to the next week and see the changes.
This does sound like a wonderful gift - I'll have to keep it in mind. Thankfully, I won't need it for myself.
This is a really sweet idea! Now, who do I know that is pregnant . . .
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