This nut of a tale reassures us that doctors are friendly to little peanuts. It also reminds us it’s good to speak up! -- One Monkey Books
NUTTY TO MEET YOU! by Alan Venable and pictures by Natalie Lewellyn is a cute children's picture book. This book tells the story of Dr. Peanut when he goes out into the world of the peanut-eating giants. He meets two children and tries to convince them not to eat him. I thought some of his excuses were downright adorable. Eventually, the three become friends!
My four year old was so excited when he opened the package and found this book. We had to read it immediately especially since he was fascinated by a book about a peanut. Usually we don't have anything peanut-related in our house because of his allergies, and the only books we have about peanuts are ones that teach him about peanut allergies. He thoroughly enjoyed this book and laughed many times when we read it, especially when Dr. Peanut mentioned that the children shouldn't eat him because they might be allergic to him. He also thought the illustrations in this book were very cute. I thought Dr. Peanut was adorable with his little round wire rim glasses and his Pinglish speak!
NUTTY TO MEET YOU! is Book #1 in the Dr. Peanut Series. Dr. Peanut is such a lovable and funny character that I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for more adventures. When I told my son that there were going to be more Dr. Peanut books, he was so excited. I think it's pretty obvious that he really liked this story about Dr. Peanut and his adventure in the world of the peanut-eating giants.
A big thanks goes out to Alan Venable for sending my family this delightful picture book. I was thrilled to open it and find that it was personally signed. Check out onemonkeybooks.com where you can read some reviews of this book as well as learn the "Found a Peanut" song.Click here to order your own copy of NUTTY TO MEET YOU!
That does look like a fun book - the cover is darling. I'm glad your son enjoyed it so much.
How cool to get a signed book! And it does sound perfect for your son.
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