I'm sure that most of you already know by now that I'm at Book Expo America in New York! Today is a very big day for me because I will be participating in a Book
Bloggers Panel hosted by
Book Club Girl. The idea is that we'll "explore the publisher-blogger-bookseller relationship and what we can do to make it better and maximize all of our efforts to help readers find books that they'll love." Besides me, Natasha of
Maw Books, Stephanie of
Stephanie's Written Word, Amy of
My Friend Amy, Dawn of
She is Too Fond of Books, and Candace of
Beth Fish Reads all will be participating. It's an amazing bunch of
bloggers and I feel very humbled that I was asked to join them (and really a bit out of my league if I'm being honest!)
The panel will be held at 2:00 p.m. in Room 1E15. I'd love for you to stop by and be part of this discussion; but if you aren't going to be able to make it, you can still listen on
Blog Talk Radio.
Set your reminder for the live broadcast on May 20th at 2 pm EST here.I really hope I can fairly represent the book blogging community. Wish me luck!!!
Hey, you were amazing on the panel today. So proud to sit up there with so many great women!
Yes you were Julie and Stephanie, and all of you. I am still on a high from it!
Enjoyed visiting your blog.
Can't wait to listen to it on Tuesday at BookClubGirl! I followed the live tweets but couldn't listen in!
Julie you were great. It was awesome to be on the same stage with you and the other super bloggers.
The panel was fantastic! You all represented all the book bloggers so well - I was proud to be associated with you. Every blogger up there came across as articulate, intelligent and passionate about books.
i think the panel went really well and here's to another one in 2010!
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