"Even if you’re stuck at home this summer, you can still get away—just use your imagination!
Listening Library is sponsoring the Fantasy Road Trip Contest, challenging teens to create videos based on an imaginary road trip with characters from one of three great fantasy series.
Making their entries is a great way to engage teens in what they’re reading and encourage them to be creative. And since many families will be forgoing expensive vacations and summer camps this year, the Fantasy Road Trip Contest is a perfect (and free!) summer activity.
CONTEST INFO: Teens ages 13-18 should create short films that answer the questions, “If you could go on a road trip with a character from your favorite audio series, where would you go? What would you do along the way? How would you travel?”
PARTICIPATING AUTHORS: Libba Bray, author of the Gemma Doyle Trilogy (A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, and The Sweet Far Thing), Tamora Pierce, author of, among many, many titles, the Beka Cooper series (her current series, so far it includes Terrier and Bloodhound), and Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (including the latest, The Last Olympian).
HOW TO ENTER: Teens can visit www.fantasyroadtripcontest.com to watch a video about how to enter, see video requirements and find out lots of information about the authors and their books.
WINNERS: Authors will judge the videos, each picking a winner (for a total of three), who will receive an 8GB iPod Touch and a collection of signed audiobooks.
DATES: The contest will be open from June 1-August 17; it’s a great activity to keep kids entertained while they’re home for the summer!
The contest is running in conjunction with our summer marketing campaign, “Listen Up, Florida!” This campaign is focused in the Orlando Metro area (the online contest is open nationwide) and encourages families to listen to audiobooks during their summer vacation drives, increasing awareness of audiobooks as an alternative to traditional books. They’re a great literacy tool, especially for reluctant readers and kids with learning disabilities."
Check out this video which gives you some more information about the contest:

I listened to A Great and Terrible Beauty on CD and it was really good. I listen to books on CD all the time. They make my commute go by a lot quicker and half the time, I don't mind the drive because I have something to listen to that isn't the mindless drivel on the radio.
This is wonderful. I love to listen to audio books because they make the time pass so quickly. They're perfect for in the car or while cleaning. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
Just posted on Win A Book. no need to enter me.
I have a long commute to work and listening to audiobooks is a great way to take up the time.
I love listening to audio books because they keep me distracted and occupied while I do the everyday tasks of clearing up and exercising. When the audiobook is very good, it opens up aspects of the book that I might not have imagined or caught, especially unusual accents. I liked the audiobook of the Book Thief!
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I'd love to enter. I like listening to audio books at night to relax and fall asleep when I can't. They are also invaluable in the car.
Great giveaway.
bj19662001 (at) yahoo (dot) ca
I like audiobooks because I can listen to them while I'm doing chores!
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I enjoy listening to books because it physically frees you up so that you can multi-task. I listen to them while commuting and shopping...and sometimes, when I'm having trouble sleeping.
un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com
This looks great! Please enter me!
I love audios because the readers make them so animated! And because I can listen to them while doing other stuff like crocheting!
I love audio books! I can then quilt and 'read' at the same time. My hubby used to complain about the light when I read at night, so I now listen to books before I fall asleep. ( And sometimes I find I'm still listening when I wake up!)
Hi, great to visit your blog here! I love chatting about what I read!! Don't put me in for the audio contest since I'm deaf, (I assume that its only available that way? I've never read this author) but I think its a great idea for those who travel long distance and might want to hear that instead of music? Hard for me to say! Smile.
Do you have a 'Follow' button for your blog? I'd love to know when you have new posts. And looking forward to chatting more! Thanks.
I like to listen to audio books while I work because it makes the time go faster. Plus, the older I get, the slower I read. For some books, it's faster for me to just listen to them and it keeps me from getting frustrated.
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
I would love to win this audiobook. Why do I like audio? Increases my reading time, makes driving fun, gets me through housework and yard work, and I love to listen when I walk.
Here's my tweet link:
I am driving a lot for work so audio book really help pass the time.
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
audio books are just wonderful thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
They are great to listen to in the car when traffic is bad. :P
I love audio books because they let me "read" while I am on the road or walking. How can I resist more reading time!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I like listening to audiobooks because it allows me to do other things at the same time and I can relax and shut my eyes and picture the story better.
I've actually never listened to an audio book but I have friends who also love to read and they've enjoyed audio books as well. I'm also thinking that audio books may be easier for me to deal with at the moment with packing to move to our new house while caring for our 3 month old and 3 year old...
melacan at hotmail dot com
I have only listened to audio books for my son as we are driving around ...a lot (we live in LA). I would to listen to a book for me.
Thank you!
I have only listened to audio books for my son in the car as we are driving around ... a lot (we live in LA). I would love to listen to a book for me.
Thank you!
I love to listen to audio books either in the car or when I am stitching!
Please enter me for this one!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
Hi Julie!
I love audiobooks for busy time in the car or while cleaning. Please enter me.
Dottie :)
Ok, I have blogged about the contest and tweeted about it.
I would LOVE to have this book for my flight from VA to AZ and back.
It would seriously keep me from wanting to wring my children's necks! So...just think, if I win you will save 2 lives- And keep me out of jail! :)
I enjoy listening to books because I have really bad eye problems. Some days, reading a book in print is impossible, and it's difficult at the best of times. Audiobooks bridge the gap, and let me 'read' even at times that I can't read, and for someone who grew up loving reading as much as I do, that's important. It's a difficult fact to face at 18 that your days of just being able to pick up a book and casually read are already pretty much over, but in the few years since then, I've discovered ways to adapt, and audiobooks are one of them.
Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!
I haven't really listened to books but with poorer eyesight, I want to start audio books, thanks!
delilah0180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I enjoy listening to books because sometimes I just don't have time to read! And since I'm always carrying around my iPod it'd be great to have an audio book on there. :)
Listening to a book is a great way to end the day! I also like to pass them on to my Mom who loves books but is elderly and has very poor vision.
Listening to a book is a great way to end the day! I also like to pass them on to my Mom who loves books but is elderly and has very poor vision.
audio books are a great way to make time go faster, keep your mind on the listening when you are worried about something/someone(it distracts you), relax you while listening and you can even shut your eyes and listen, they are good in the car, in the house etc.
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