Ever since I saw FIRST COMES LOVE, THEN COMES MALARIA: HOW A PEACE CORPS POSTER BOY WON MY HEART AND A THIRD-WORLD ADVENTURE CHANGED MY LIFE by Eve Brown-Waite on The Debutante Ball, I knew I wanted to read it. I try to read each one of the Debs' books as they are released because these books always seem to appeal to me. And because I am a regular follower of "the ball," I feel as if I kind of "know" the authors. I'm happy to say that FIRST COMES LOVE was another fantastic book that didn't disappoint!
I don't know if many of you know this about me, but I live kind of a pampered life (and I always have.) My husband takes really good care of me and my parents did too when I was a child. I am not really an outdoorsy-type of gal; and besides running outside, I tend to gravitate to more sedentary/indoor hobbies like knitting, crocheting, and reading. I am also definitely not a risk-taker or adventuresome in the least -- my idea of a visit to Africa is the safari ride at Disney's Animal Kingdom. So when I picked up this book about a woman who joins the peace corps and then chooses to live in Africa, I knew this was going to be one of those books that I'd enjoy because it was so different from anything I had ever experienced.
I absolutely loved Ms. Brown-Waite! I found myself continually in awe of her life experiences, yet I couldn't help but feel an affinity towards her as she realized what she was getting herself into. She's without a doubt much tougher than I could ever be, but I still felt a great deal of compassion towards her as she realized just how primitive her living conditions were. Some of the things she faced were just incredible to me -- forget about the shootings, I couldn't even handle the bugs! I also loved how Ms. Brown-Waite shared the story of how she met (and fell in love with) her husband. It was a terrific love story that definitely deserved telling.
I found it so easy to like Ms. Brown-Waite as a person, but I also really liked her writing style! Her story is an interesting one, but I really appreciated how honest she was in telling it -- it was so refreshing. I love how she was willing to share not only the funny stories and the humor in her life (because she does have loads of entertaining tales), but I also really respected that she shared with the readers her fears, insecurities, and even her personal challenges. I found her ability to cope with all types of terrifying situations, as well as her ability to adapt to be very admirable.
FIRST COMES LOVE is a wonderful book that I am definitely recommending to my friends. My only complaint is that I want more of Ms. Brown-Waite's life experiences -- I am sincerely hoping that there will be a sequel to this book. I think FIRST COMES LOVE would make a great book club pick too especially for those groups who tend to gravitate away from non-fiction. While this book is filled with lots of very real discussion issues, it is also a great and entertaining read. I was thrilled to find that there is a reading guide available.
Thanks to Kate from Folio Literary Management for sending me a copy of this wonderful book!
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Oh my gosh!! That is going on my TBR pile. I normally don't read Memoirs but this sounds really good! Thanks for posting it!
I really want to read this one! I'm like you, I would never go on an adventure like that. I love to read about things like that, though, because sometimes I wish I was a little more daring.
I'm glad you liked this, I thought it was absolutely terrific, and I totally love Eve now.
This sounds like a fabulous book! I love reading memoirs and books about people who are out of their element. I'm adding this one to my wishlist.
I loved this book and wish for a sequel as well. The Debs are the best, aren't they?
I really enjoyed this one, too (more on that here). Eve did a great job of writing as if she were talking to a friend. I'll be she wrote great letters home!
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