I recently received a box of the new Kellogg's Cinnabon Snack Bars (Original) courtesy of Mom Central. I was anxious to try one because I love cinnamon and cinnamon rolls, but I was participating in the Game On! Diet for the past four weeks and unfortunately wasn't able to try them out right away. I did, however, pass along two of the bars for my husband and his co-worker to taste so I could gather their opinions. They both thought they were pretty tasty, but they didn't feel like the portion size was enough for a meal.
So now that my "official" diet ended yesterday, I finally got around to tasting one of these bars for myself! While the bars are ready to eat from the pouch, I decided to microwave one according to the directions on the box. I did enjoy the bar and thought it had a good cinnamon flavor, but I admit that it didn't fill me up enough for a meal. I think these Cinnabon Snack Bars are probably best for a little snack or dessert. The only issue I had was the amount of calories in the bar -- 150 calories -- not a huge amount and definitely less than a real cinnamon roll, but still.... There was also 4.5 grams of fat (although there were 0 grams of trans fat so that's a plus) and 13 grams of sugar. Check out the nutritional information for more details.
I actually think kids are going to really like these bars. They are yummy and good for on-the-go activities as well as packed lunches. I'm sorry to say that I can't attest to whether either of my kids liked them because my daughter has issues with trying new foods and my son is allergic to the bars (they contain wheat, milk, egg, and soy.)
I think these bars manage to taste good, when they do, by being pretty small, so they don't fill an adult up for a meal. But they sure are great to have in the car for emergencies!!!
My boys LOVE these bars. They tried them this weekend. I agree, not big enough for a meal but enough for a snack.
I don't usually eat this kind of thing, but I'm tempted to try these because they're Cinnabon which I love.
I thought perhaps this was a post about a new snack cake team. LOL.
I don't like snack bars in general. They are usually too sugary for my taste and don't do much filling up either.
I thought they were really good, we tried the Caramel and the Cinnamon flavor. My middle son LOVED them, and I have sent a box to my oldest son in college. Of course, he would probably eat anything!!!
Love your blog by the way...I will be back for a visit :-)
My grandkids love these things. They range in age from 12 to 4. I get them at Costco, but they are out with no indication that they will get more. I'll have to check the supermarket or order them online.
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