Sex and marriage
The transition from workplace to home
Money matters
Creating time for yourself
Combatting loneliness
Returning to the workforce -- or not
A loyal and devoted Support-Group-in-a-Book. The Stay-at-Home Survival Guide is the perfect antidote to motherhood burnout -- and a joyful reminder that staying home to raise children is an experience of a lifetime. -- Seal
When I first received THE STAY-AT-HOME SURVIVAL GUIDE: Field-tested Strategies for Staying Smart, Sane, and Connected While Caring for Your Kids by Melissa Stanton, I glanced through it and thought it looked like a terrific resource for any mother who is lucky enough to stay at home with her children. I actually passed the book along to my sister, otherwise known as Booking Aunt, because she recently had a little guy and decided to quit her job; and I thought she could benefit from reading it. Like any woman who was once in the workforce knows, staying-at-home with your children is definitely one of the most rewarding jobs but also one of the hardest. I thought my sister might bring a unique perspective to this book as a new stay-at-home mother. So without further ado, here's are Booking Aunt's thoughts about THE STAY-AT-HOME SURVIVAL GUIDE:
When I saw this book on Booking Mama’s Mailbox Monday list, I volunteered to review it for her. As a new (and stay-at-home) mom of a 10 month-old boy, I know I need any advice I can get about making this a positive and rewarding experience.
The Stay-At-Home Survival Guide is a must read for stay-at-home moms. While new moms and “working moms” who are considering the option of staying at home will get the most benefit out of this book, there is valuable information for any mother.
Although I read this book straight through in a few sittings, I think the book would be best used as a resource. In fact, the layout of the book makes it perfect for just that. The book is divided into chapters that address very relevant topics such as time management, finding your identity, money management, sex, and returning to the work force. The book also discusses more sensitive subjects such as divorce and depression. I found the survival tip sections in most chapters to be a quick way to get great suggestions from real stay-at-home moms. I was definitely able to relate to and chuckle at much of their advice.
I also appreciated that the author did her own research to lay the foundation for the book. While I recognize that the research content is necessary to support certain arguments, I found it to be redundant at times for someone who has little time to read.
Overall I found this book to be an excellent resource for new and seasoned stay-at-home mothers as well as a women who is considering this option. In fact, this would make a great gift for any new mom.
A big thanks to Booking Aunt for this great review and to Jenny for sending me a copy of this very helpful book! If you'd like to learn more, please check out this website devoted to THE STAY-AT-HOME SURVIVAL GUIDE as well as the blog Real Life Support for Moms which is penned by the author Melissa Stanton.
Another great reviewer in the Booking family! The book does sound like a great resource - I think it can be all too easy to feel isolated as a new stay at home mom. When Vance was young, he was in a play group as much for me as for him - I needed those other moms to talk to and we were great support for each other.
I love how you get a lot of your family in on the action! How cool!
I was a stay-at-home mom for the first year of my daughter's life, and I would have stayed at home if we hadn't needed a second income. I definitely could have used this book during that first year! Thanks for the review!
Diary of an Eccentric
Thanks to Booking Aunt! Great review. I'll save this one for a possible baby shower gift.
I think I definitely need this book.As a working Mom who quit working fulltime exactly 14 months and 9 days ago to become a fulltime Mom I am now seriously considering going back to work.I have set the 31 July as the final date to make this decision.I am craving adult interaction.My children are 15 and 4 and doing their own thing(school and nursery school) during the day so I am not sure WHY I am even at home.My daughter has now even asked me to please go back to work(lol)
I've been winging it as a stay-at-home mom for 4.5 years now ... I wish I'd seen a book like this sooner! I still want to check it out though! Thanks!
I really struggled at-home in those early years. I could have used this book then.
It's funny I'm reading a book for SAHM's too but I'm having problems with it which I'll reveal in the review.
The SAH Survival Guide sounds more like what I was looking for. I'd love to read it!
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