Ding Dongs: 794.6 pts.
Twinkies: 775.6 pts.
Ho Hos: 682 pts.
I actually had a perfect score of 850, and I really felt like I got the hang of the diet after just a few days. I had to make some major changes to my diet -- mainly eating on the every two to four hour schedule and drinking three liters of water a day, but it really wasn't too bad (after I got used to going to the bathroom every 15 minutes the first day.) I think the most difficult thing for me was giving up the computer for two hours every night -- what does that tell you about me? And as far as the exercise goes, I was already pretty much doing the twenty required minutes of exercise everyday; and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy doing five sun salutations every morning.
Now for my rant! I actually had to wait awhile to calm down before writing this post. As of Saturday morning, I was down 4.5 pounds. I was ecstatic!!! Then I had my day off and ate a few things that aren't exactly good for me; however, I really didn't overdo it (but I did eat a lot of salt.) When I got on the scale on Sunday, my weight loss was down to 2.8 pounds; so I got right back on the diet, drank the water and didn't even take my meal off option on Sunday. So I thought when I got on the scale this morning, I'd make up some of my weight loss. HAHAHA! I actually gained another .6 pounds -- I was absolutely hysterical! That means I had a 2.2 pound weight loss for the entire week which isn't bad, except that I was hoping for something like a 4.5 pound one.
I was very much down in the dumps this morning, but my fellow Ding Dongs and even my competitors gave me some terrific pep talks. My husband also reminded me that I get this way and say the exact same things every time I diet. I'm just hoping to lose at least 2.2 pounds next week since many people tend not to lose as much per week after week 1. I should also warn my team members that I most likely will not be perfect this week because my family is taking a mini-vacation to the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts. I am going to do my best and take my day off and meal off accordingly, but I still might not be able to eat exactly in accordance with the rules.
More to come next week.....
You have terrific willpower if you got a perfect score! Congratulations! I think 2.2 pounds is terrific!
That is so awful! I always hate when I put so much work into a diet and I gain weight. I feel for you and hope week two goes better.
Sun salutations? Sounds kind of fun...
Well congrats on your perfect score but what team is in the lead?? Is it TWINKIES!!??? Yes it is! Holla!
And I agree with you ... the water drinking got easier as the week went on. As for the weight loss ... you really should never lose more than 1 to 2 pounds as that is the safest amount to lose -- and weight fluctuates wildly during the week, which is why you should weight yourself only once a week max (usually on the same day and same time) to get the best read of how you are doing.
Good luck this week -- it will be hard not being at home!
Great post! See that Twinkies score??? Treat Arts Festival as your day off. Remember you'll be walking all day long, so you'll be burning off everything you eat!
What those Twinkies don't realize is that they're only in the lead by 3 points.
Next week, they're going down!
Congratulations on a successful week. Despite the back and forth you did a great job following the rules in the first place. I honestly think that is half the battle in a diet. It's when you start skirting where you get into BIG trouble.
Don't be discouraged, you'll lose the weight you want. Just continue to be as proactive as you're being.
Good luck!
I so want to get this book. I can't find it anywhere.
As for the rollercoaster, that drives me crazy! It's usually throws me off a diet when I've been doing good. I have low frustration tolerance!
Hi Julie! It's Krista Vernoff -- for real. I swear. It's me. Thanks for playing our game and thanks so much for writing about it! Please please PLEASE stop beating yourself up. Jenners is right -- more than a 2 lb weightloss in one week -- unless you're well over 200 lbs -- is generally unhealthy. You were down 4.5 because you tend to lose a lot of water weight week one as your body becomes properly hydrated (ironic, I know) and then you ate salt on your day off and probably some sugar which prompted you to retain a little water and that's why the scale changed. It usually takes my body 2 days to recover from a day off. Which is why Jenners is also right that you should consider avoiding the scale for a day or two after your day off. And Book Escape? You can order the book on amazon.com! why do you think you can't find it? It's there! Yay! Go buy it! Hee. Shameless self promotion. Kick ass everybody. Game on! xxoo Krista
OK, I was feeling like, I should give Julie a little pep talk, even if she is a DingDong and I'm enjoying this week's victory celebration in Twinkie-ville.
But, then I see that Krista has commented on your blog post, so you have totally got all the boost you're getting today - go eat a cookie to celebrate! :) (insert evil laugh here)
Now, for all you folks at home who think that I'm rotten for teasing her that way, you have to know that good-spirited taunting has been flying all over Twitter and email all week ... and BookingMama can dish it out (hmmm, dish it out, reminds me of ice cream, care to join me?)
Krista, I'm so glad you wrote this -- it makes me feel better too. My game ended officially Sunday and I'm sort of on a game on break until we start again next week. First day off or so I felt myself slipping....but it's such good advice to not step on the scale after a day off, you start to go a little nutty with the lbs going up and down. About to have my fifth meal, I'm hungry!
Oh My God! How cool that Krista left you a comment ... and can I say I'm riding your coattails and being happy that she read my comment and mentioned it? What better pep talk than a comment by the author of the book herself!!!??? I'm sure that helped tons!!! Isn't book blogging the best!?
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