CHICKEN DANCE, written by Tammi Sauer and illustrated by Dan Santat, is one of the funniest books that I've read in a very long time. I don't know who enjoyed it more -- my five year old son or me! CHICKEN DANCE is such a terrific book because it appeals to kids of all ages. The little ones will find the characters and the plot to be very funny, but grown-ups will appreciate all the spoofs and creative storytelling.
I absolutely howled when I read this book right along with all of the barnyard animals. The concept behind this book -- that the farm animals are competing to win tickets to the Elvis Poultry show -- is just too funny! I loved the competition and what each set of animals did for their "talent." I also enjoyed seeing the competitive spirit between the chickens and the ducks -- my son thought the mean ducks were hilarious! I don't want to spoil the ending, but suffice it to say that it was very cute.
As most parents know, when a child enjoys a book, he/she asks for you to read it to them a lot-- something to do with that whole learning by repetition thing, I suppose. What I love about CHICKEN DANCE is that I don't mind reading it again and again. It's almost always my job to read to my son every night before bedtime, but I told my husband that he needs to read this book to the boy -- it's just so darn funny! I can pretty much guarantee that there is at least one laugh per page.
The illustrations in the book are marvelous! Even without the text of the book, these pictures make me laugh. I even liked the little detail with the dance steps that are diagrammed on the inside covers. My son first noticed all the little things in the pictures, and I actually had to slow down reading the book because he kept wanting to take a closer look.
I absolutely love the website for CHICKEN DANCE. Of course, you can learn more about the book, the author, and the illustrator; but you can download lots of cool stuff for free including desktop wallpapers, posters and even a template for Elvis sunglasses. Another cute thing I found was a link to follow Elvis Poultry on Twitter! You will definitely be able to get an idea of the tone and appearance of this entertaining picture book.
There is a great contest going on right now surrounding this book. You can create a video of your very own Chicken Dance and win some fantastic prizes including: original artwork by Dan Santat, a $50 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, a $25 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, and autographed copies of CHICKEN DANCE. Click here for more information!
CHICKEN DANCE is such a fun book. Kids and parents alike are sure to love reading it! Check out out this silly video where the Sterling Publishing folks get in on the Chicken Dance action:
Thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy of this hilarious book!
Just last night my son and I were talking about all the books that I read to him when he was young. How I miss those days. And this post made me miss them more (in a good way).
This sounds great - I have to get this for my husband's grandkids! His daughter did the chicken dance all the time at Univ. of Wisconsin football games, and she is always telling the kids about it. This would make a perfect gift for them!!!
This book looks like so much fun! I wish I knew someone to get it for.
I'd buy this book just for the cover! Love to get books for my great-nieces and nephews for birthdays and this looks like one to wrap up for them.
How incredibly cute. It might make a perfect birthday gift for my niece. (If I can convince my daughter we should buy it. She hates chickens.)
Wow! I so loved reading your review.
Tammi Sauer, author of CHICKEN DANCE
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