When I first read this blogging topic, I knew the answer right away! For me, the book that I read because I discovered it on another blog (or should I say blogs) was THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins. It seemed like everyone (and by that, I mean every blogger) was talking about this book. And they weren't only talking about THE HUNGER GAMES, but they were raving about it. I really had no choice but to read it!
Boy am I glad I "listened" to all these fabulous bloggers. I absolutely loved the book -- you can read my review here. I would like to give credit to a blog where I first learned about THE HUNGER GAMES, but I think you'll agree that that's next to impossible! There are far too many awesome reviews of this book in the blogosphere.
I have always read a lot of books and have paid attention to reviews of all types, but I would have to say that the biggest difference in my reading habits since I started blogging is that I now read more Young Adult books. I have really enjoyed YA in the past year and a half or so; and it's because of book bloggers that I discovered this genre. So I consider myself lucky to have not only discovered THE HUNGER GAMES as a result of book bloggers, but also to have discovered an entirely new-to-me genre.
Note: Thanks to book bloggers I have discovered hundreds of fantastic-looking books in the past year! Not only do I have to give you credit for your great (and convincing) reviews, but I also have to share that you are to blame for a little tension in my house. It's because of you that so many new books keep coming into my home -- more books than we actually have room for!
My post was about The Hunger Games & Catching Fire, as well. That's 3 of us, so far, that I've seen. WOW...
Make that four! This was my selection as well :)
Rightfully so, however, since as you said it is all over the blogoshpere and Twitter.
I could have written about Hunger Games too! But went with a different list.
I wrote about Hunger Games as well...I'm seeing a trend...
Great pick! I got up at 5 AM to get a ticket to get Catching Fire because of all I'd read about The Hunger Games.
Great pick!
It's also now available as a Kindle edition!
It wasn't a few months ago when I went to buy it.
But getting the "book" was a great idea! I've been sharing it with friends and family like crazy!
The Hunger Games is such a fantastic choice. It's on my list too, I'd never have heard of it if not for book blogging!
I'm guessing The Hunger Games will be the topic of many a post today.
Welcome back!
I'm listening to The Hunger Games on CD right now. It is brilliant and so disturbing. I wish I'd known of this title last year while I was still teaching the ancient world. The connection with Ancient Rome is so strong.
When we, as a society, see violence as entertainment, how far are we, really, from living like this?
I wrote about Catching Fire...i would have NEVER heard about these books had it not been for all you guys on twitter and your blogs.
I've seen about 5 posts so far listing this as their "find" for today's topic and I still have not read it! I guess a need a kick in the pants or something.
I'm starting to wonder if anyone actually read "The Hunger Games" that doesn't read book blogs, because it is on EVERYONE'S lists, including mine.
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