flagon - There was a glass flagon of wine beside it. (p. 252)
flagon: a large bottle for wine, liquors, etc.
sarcenet - Francis laughed bitterly. "Alas, it was never a game to me. Besides, you were sixteen, sweeting, well past a babe's age. Remember the sarcenet scarf you made for me?..." (p. 258)
sarcenet: a fine, soft fabric, often of silk, made in plain or twill weave and used esp. for linings.
jerkin - He drew it from a pocket in his beige jerkin and held it up to her. (p. 258)
jerkin: a close-fitting jacket or short coat, usually sleeveless, as one of leather worn in the 16th and 17th centuries.
cavil - "Let us not cavil with the details, hmm?" Francis said with a bitter smile. (p. 259)
cavil: to raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault with unnecessarily
What new words did you discover this week?
I didn't know any of those! Thanks for sharing :)
Here are my words
Isn't it interesting flagon and flacon mean basically the same thing? Cavil is a great word - if I can remember it, I'll try to use it tonight. Thanks for participating!
Great words...I am going to have to try to remember these for when I read this book!
I knew flagon, but the others are new.
Here's mine:
I think you could work flagon into your conversation - some of the others, not so much. Great words!
My list is here.
I know flagon. Others, no!
Here is my Wondrous Words Wednesdays post!
I like "sarcenet." It sounds so nice and silky.
The definition of jerkin using that sentence would make a great party game! :--)
Great words. I knew jerkin.
I really like the word cavil. I must remember that one.
I look forward to reading this book!
Here are my Wondrous Words
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