susurrus - "Mother spoke softly as the susurrus of thread being pulled through fabric." (p.42)
susurrus: a soft murmuring or rustling sound; whisper.
conscription - "But students are supposed to be exempt from labor conscription!" (p. 183)
conscription: compulsory enrollment of persons for military or naval service; draft.
THE WIDOW'S WAR by Mary Mackey
manioc - "...The hunters will have to stop hunting, and the women will have to quit hoeing their manioc patches." (p.21)
manioc: cassava - any of several tropical American plants belonging to the genus Manihot, of the spurge family, as M. esculenta (bitter cassava) and M. dulcis (sweet cassava), cultivated for their tuberous roots, which yield important food products
gimbals - To her left, a small glass inkwell dances on brass gimbals. (p. 67)
gimbals: a contrivance, consisting of a ring or base on an axis, that permits an object, as a ship's compass, mounted in or on it to tilt freely in any direction, in effect suspending the object so that it will remain horizontal even when its support is tipped
caracole - "How ill?" Carrie asks as they step into the front hall and begin to wind their way up the great caracole of stairs that fills the center of the house. (p.91)
carocole:a winding staircase (rare usage)
What new words did you discover this week?
I have used the word susurrus while writing poetry. Sounds good, doesn't it?!
Here is my Wondrous Words Wednesdays post.
I do like those words, I may need to join in the fun next week.
I love the 'susurrus' word. I think it sounds exactly what it means.
Yay! You're using the new button! The only word I knew was conscription and I think I learned that when Vance had to register for the draft.
caracole was new to me and I usually know the architectural terms.
So many new words! I didn't know gimbals or caracole.
Here's are my words
All your words seem so elegant. Conscription is the only one I knew also. Only knew that because of my husband's registering for the draft.
I ran across susurrus the week before reading the same book. I kept imagining the sound the needle makes going through the fabric. Great words this week.
These are all new words to me this week!
Great words! I only knew one, Manioc. Only because I just read The Poisonwood Bible recently and that word was in the book. Have a great day!
Great words. I must be hungry though because when I saw the word 'caracole' my mind went to the word...casserole. ha.
Here are my Wondrous Words
I really like susurrus. It sounds like its meaning.
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