The Shelf Discovery Challenge will run for six months (November 1, 2009 - April 30, 2010). Participants must select and read at least six books mentioned in Lizzie Skurnick's SHELF DISCOVERY: THE TEEN CLASSICS WE NEVER STOPPED READING. After each book is read, the participants can then write a "book report" so they can share their thoughts with others.
Please use the Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post to link to all of the "book reports" or challenge-related posts! If a participant does not have a blog, they can leave their "book report" in the comments section.
I am so excited by the response to the Shelf Discovery Challenge. We have over 50 participants already, and it's not too late to join! If you would like to participate and your name is not on the list below, please leave a comment with your name, your blog name and a link to your post about the Shelf Discovery Challenge. If you don't blog, you can just leave your name and your six book choices in a comment! I will add you to the list.
(I tried to include everyone who said they wanted to participate in the Shelf Discovery Challenge, but it's totally possible that I left someone off the list. Please let me know if your name is missing!)
List of Participants:
1. Julie P. - Booking Mama
2. Kathy - BermudaOnion's Weblog
3. Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books
4. Laura - My Simple Happy Life...
5. Raspberry - Two and a Half Book Lovers
6. Book Club Girl
7. Jess - Confessions of a Book Hoarder
8. Jessica - Future Librarian
9. Nicole - Linus's Blanket
10. Carol - Carol's Notebook
11. Jennifer Gibbons
12. Allison - Allison's Attic of Books
13. Karlie
14. Darlene
15. Carrie - Library Bug
16. Ramona - Mama Reads
17. Mel - He Followed Me Home
18. Jackie - My Ever Expanding Library
19. Ines
20. Florinda - The 3 Rs
21. Rhapsody in Books
22. JoLynn F
23. Beth F - Beth Fish Reads
24. Idaho_Laurie - Doughnuts 'n Things
25. Kate's Book Blog
26. Library of Clean Reads
27. Sherrie - Just Books
28. Michelle - My Books. My Life.
29. Amanda - A Bookshelf Monstrosity
30. Lennis - Bookishly Fabulous
31. Andrea - The Little Bookworm
32. Jen - Devourer of Books
33. Ash - English Major's Junk Food
34. Rachel - Chaos is a Friend of Mine
35. Cop's Wife - Nerdy Apple Bottom
36. Katie - Cakes, Tea and Dreams
37. Gayle - Everyday I Write the Book
38. Vasilly - 1330V
39. Olive Reader
40. Heather - Book Obsessed
41. Robin - My Two Blessings
42. Deborah - Books, Movies, and Chinese Food
43. Avalonne83 - The Black Cat
44. Kate - My Name is Kate
45. Irene - LoveGoodLit
46. Kim - Good Clean Reads
47. Sharla - WinterWrite
48. Christy - Rainbow Chills
49. Katie - Read What You Know
50. Elizabeth - As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves
51. Booking Daughter
52. Pam - I Write in Books
53. Kristen - BookNAround
54. Alana H
55. Just Mom - My Round File
56. Renee
57. Betsvc
58. Meg
59. April - Irondale Public Library
60. Malena - Malena Writes On
61. Britt - Confessions of a Book Habitue
62. Kerry - Entomology of a Bookworm
63. Stephanie - Reviews by Lola's Blog
64. The Heart is a Lonely Reader
65. Stephanie - Stephanie's Written Word
66. Amy - Steele on Entertainment
67. Sandy - You've GOTTA Read This!
68. Julie - Book Hooked
69. Sally 906's Reading Challenges
70. Shannon - Flight into Fantasy
71. Beth - Library Chicken
72. Jayme - Jayme Types
73. Andrea Jane - Mode A La Pie
74. Book Diva - TexasBookDiva
75. Stacia - Navigating L Space
76. Samovar
77. Cindy - MonkeyBoy Adventures
78. Schatzi - The Stacks My Destination
79. The Rebel Angels Step Out at Twilight in Their Traveling Pants
80. Caroline Bookbinder
81. Buried in Print
82. Amy - Steele on Entertainment
83. Patty - Books and Thoughts and Adventures...Oh My!!!
Format: Your Name/Blog Name (Name of Book)
Oops - I forgot to link up! Sorry! Here is my introductory post - I'm looking forward to rereading these old favorites and seeing if they still capture me! Thanks, Julie!
Wow, so many familiar titles and a few I've never heard of. Sign me up, please!
May have read, but can't remember:
'A Wrinkle in Time'
'Harriet the Spy'
Pretty sure I have never read:
'The Westing Game'
'Bridge to Terabithia'
'All of a Kind Family'
Why-oh-why? If my parents had ever caught me reading this... Is it as messed up as I remember? I think I was about eleven.
'My Sweet Audrina'
I do have issues with the titles NOT mentioned (in the T.O.C. at least) in 'Shelf Discovery'. No L.M. Montgomery, for example?
Betsvc / No Blog / The above six.
Ok. I'm in! I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive from Amazon. As soon as it hits my doorstep I will post my list of books.
My blog:
I want to sign up and will add it to my author site & Book End Babes site. I need to go out and get the book to select my six. I'm hoping to pick 6 that I can ask my daughter to read, too. (She's 9.) I know Little House on the Prairie will be one of them. THANKS!
Add me too!
Britt @ Confessions of a Book Habitue
A bit behind in picking my 6 books... had to track down a copy of Shelf Discovery! Here are my six though, can't wait:
I just joined--here's my intro post!
My list is up! http://www.stephanieswrittenword.com/?p=2196
Here's my intro post/ list
Okay, I did my first one today...
I'm several days late to the party, but I did read Shelf Discovery recently so I love the idea of this challenge.
I posted my list here:
Just posted my book report for Deenie, and now I have to go and check out reviews for Sister of the Bride (which I'm rereading now) and All of a Kind Family (rereading next) posted above!
I signed up on the original post (late, as usual). Here's my challenge post:
Yet another late starter... I just finished reading Shelf Discovery and I can't wait to start the challenge!
My booklist will be posted to my blog:
My first Shelf Discovery post- this one details my reading list. (Because I apparently don't follow directions very well.)
Here's my latest one!
Finally got around to writing up my first read!
hi, i don't have a blog, but i am on twitter @3samovar!
sign me up please, i am german,live in france and work at an american library here, so this should be fun!
Just posted my review of My Darling, My Hamburger!
Oops! Forgot to mention the book I reviewed at Library of Clean Reads! It's Little House on the Prairie.
Posted my review of Jacob Have I Loved today. Need to get up my post about The Westing Game. So far, I'm 2/2 reading books that were NOT on my original selection list!
ok, i have read the little princess here are my thoughts:
-uses eternal appealing topics like
"from rags to riches" and vice versa! doesn't every little and not so little girl dream of changing their humdrum life and becoming a princess instead?
also does not every little girl does not feel sometimes alienation from her family, like she doesn't belong, like she does not belong in this life she has?
another appeal: compared to sara's problems when she was poor, our own seem smaller!
Just posted my second book - Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself.
Just added my first two books, because I was forgetting to use your linky. You've already tracked me down for them, I think.
I'm going to start Group 6 soon.
Just posted for the second book. I really need to catch up with the challenge!
Check out my comments on Summer of My German Soldier:
Is there a place for completed lists or no?
I forgot to leave my link, too...here it is...http://patty-adaywithme.blogspot.com/2010/03/what-to-readwhat-to-read.html
Yay! I just finished! However when I was linking up my last 3 reviews, one of them posted three times. Feel free to delete 2 of them. This was fun! I hope you'll be doing it again as I still have a lot of books to read from the book. Thanks!
BAH that last link of mine was supposed to say stranger with my face but i accidentally clicked the submit button before i was done!
I just tossed up three reviews. One more to write tomorrow, and then I'll do a wrap up. Nothing like the last minute!
OK, finished the last book, and wrapped it up. Very short reviews, since this is our screen-turn-off week, and I only get limited dispensation for my blog. Thanks for a fun challenge!
Sigh. I only got like 2 read.... I plan to keep going though.... better late than never, right?
I'm so late to post them, but I really did read all my books within the time constraints.
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