You can listen live or to the archived version later when you have a few minutes. If you listen live, make sure you register so you can join in the conversation in the chat room. It's always a lot of fun! If you have any questions or comments, you can send them to: nicole AT linussblanket DOT com before the show, ask in the chat room or call 646-381-4606 to ask yourself. At the end of the show, stick around for the "Twenty Minute Book Club." If you’ve read the book or don’t mind spoilers, we will be discussing 31 HOURS by Masha Hamilton (my review.)
You know I'll be listening. And I know you'll be fabulous! I'm going to try to stick around for the book club too.
I probably won't get to listen live, but you better believe I'll listen to the archived version.
The timing for the live version is always tough, but I'm going to try. If not, I will definitely be listening to the archived version. Good luck! You will be great!
I really hope I can listen live tonight -- but if not, I will definitely catch the archived version.
Best of luck - although I know you will be fantabulous :)
Julie I am going to try and listen tonight. Its a really good time for me. Good luck and you will do great.
Good luck with the show! I'm looking forward to it.
Good Luck Julie! I won't be able to listen live but will listen to the archived show.
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