I have heard so many wonderful things about Aimee Bender, but I had never experienced one of her novels. So when I decided to host the 2010 EW Summer Books Reading Challenge, I started with Ms. Bender's latest novel THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE. I can certainly see what all of the buzz was about -- Ms. Bender is a very gifted writer.
I'm not sure that I would go so far as to say that I loved THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE, but I did appreciate it -- especially the writing. I think the cover and title might have thrown me for a loop because I was expecting a lighter read. But this novel definitely didn't classify as a light read (or at least it didn't for me.) It was a beautifully written novel that touched my heart and really caused me to think.
One of the things that I most appreciated about this novel was the story line itself. I loved the idea that a young girl named Rose discovers that she has a gift -- she can tell the emotions of the person who prepared her food. At first, I thought it sounded like a wonderful and fun gift to have, but it actually ended up being quite a burden for poor little Rose. Rose ended up finding out heartbreaking secrets about her family, and then she had to learn how to cope with knowing these things.
I really enjoyed how the author incorporated some magical elements into this story, and I think it was very well done (and believable.) I love that how Ms. Bender showed how much a "gift" can affect our lives, and how we sometimes get "gifts" that we don't want. I loved her use of symbolism in this novel, and I thought Rose's path demonstrated the challenges we all face with knowing too much about our loved ones. This might sound strange but as I'm writing this review, I'm realizing that I maybe I did like this book more than I first realized!
In some ways, I considered THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE to be a coming-of-age story for Rose; but it was actually so much more than that. Rose was at an age in this story (nine years old) where a child starts seeing their parents and their life in a new light. However with the on-set of her "gift", Rose is forced into these realizations as well as the need to cope with them instantly. Throughout the novel, Rose not only has to learn to live with her knowledge, but she also has to learn how to accept and forgive her loved ones. It's a lesson that is true for all of us -- Rose's life just demonstrated it in a more drastic way.
There is no doubt that Ms. Bender can write! I am actually very interested in pursuing some of her other novels. I loved how she brought Rose to life and I thought she did a wonderful job of capturing her voice. Many of the passages in this novel were beautifully written and reading her prose was certainly a treat. I just know that every character, every scene and probably every word were in this novel to invoke a particular meaning.
THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE would make an excellent discussion book for book clubs. There is a reading guide available which will definitely help making sure you get the most our of your meeting. I suggest taking a look at the questions, so you can have an idea how how much this book encompasses because I don't think I did a very good job of showing this in my review. Some of the topics you might want to discuss include loss of innocence, acceptance, forgiveness, coping mechanisms, honestly, and family dynamics to name a few. If your group enjoys discussing literary novels, than I highly suggest taking a look at this one.
Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy of this novel.
I forgot that this one was on the summer list (which I have yet to tackle...but will soon if my library can get their act in gear). It is an interesting concept, one that seems to be surfacing lately.
I saw Aimee Bender at a reading. She's very talented. This book sounds a bit like Chocolat for a younger person. I've requested from library. Some of the EW books aren't exactly "light" it's true: ie. WAR. I know summer is supposed to be all beach reading but it's always nice to mix things up. Any time of year.
I love the idea of this story. I really want to read it!
I'm so excited to read your review as I should find a copy of The Particular Sadness of the Lemon Cake in my mailbox in just a few days! (<-- I pre-ordered form Barnes and Noble.) So many good reads to be had on that wonderful summer list. Thanks!
This one will definitely go on my list. Great review, Julie.
Great review, Julie! I just saw this listed in People magazine and instantly wanted to read it! I put it on my wish list. Such an interesting title!
I'm adding this one to my list. I really hate it when publishers put light, fluffy covers on books that aren't. I always think they are doing the author and the readers a disservice.
Glad u liked this one Julie; me too!
I loved this book! What do our children really feel and see when they begin to see the "adult" world? How many of us children that can read us and know what we are thinking or feeling? How about having a child like the brother that just wants to melt away and be left alone? If you like books that make you think and wonder, this is one of them!
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