Kathy and I headed over to the Javits Center first thing in the morning to get in line for the Adult Book and Author Breakfast. I was very excited to hear Jon Stewart as well as Condoleeza Rice. I thought Jon Stewart was very hilarious, and he was pretty much everything I was expecting. But I was pleasantly surprised by Condoleeza Rice. I knew she would be comfortable speaking in front of a large crowd, but I thought she was excellent (and so impressive.) I wasn't sure that I was interested in her upcoming memoir, but after hearing her speak about her parents and grandparents, I think the book sounds like a beautiful tribute to some very special people. If you'd like to read more about this event, please check out Beth Fish Reads' post because it's terrific!
Kathy and I left a little bit early from the breakfast so we could get a head-start on the show floor. I really didn't feel like I had all that much time because we had a meeting scheduled for 11:00, and I was heading out early for to catch my train home. I managed to snag some awesome books even though I didn't really find that I had the time and/or patience to wait in the long autographing lines. The only author I ended up waiting in a long line for was Sara Gruen -- and it was an insanely long line. I considered my signed, ARC copy of APE HOUSE to be one of my best treasures from BEA!
I did have another mini-highlight on Thursday, but I have to give some background so it makes sense. Booking Daughter is a huge fan of the show Cake Boss -- I mean a huge fan! She tivos every episode and watches them over and over again. You might even say that she is obsessed with Buddy! Well, when I told her that Buddy was scheduled to speak at BEA, she desperately wanted his new book. I told her that he wasn't signing books and that it was highly unlikely that I could make his demonstration because I had a meeting at the same time. She was so disappointed.....
Well, I was walking around the trade show floor and I heard Buddy's voice (you have to understand that his voice runs through our house all of the time and it's quite distinct.) I almost died and maybe I even let out a little scream! I ran up to him and gushed about how much my daughter loves him and his show. There is no doubt that Buddy thought I was nuts, and I'm pretty sure I embarrassed myself. But he was so sweet and told me that he loves to hear how much people enjoy his show. He even posed for a picture with me. I just knew Booking Daughter was going to die!!!! Needless to say, she's very excited about his new book (although I'm not sure it's going to be geared for an eleven year old!)
As much fun as I had in New York with all of the authors, books, and blogger friends, I came home to the best surprise. Booking Daughter and her dad had a welcome home party for me and Booking Son (he stayed with my parents.) There were balloons, chocolate fondue with marshmallows, pretzels and strawberries, homemade guacamole, cheese and crackers and wine! Booking Daughter even made homemade cupcakes that she decorated herself (I told you she's obsessed with Cake Boss!), and Booking Son had his own dairy-free Krispy Treats! It was so nice to be home...
What a great coming home surprise! It sounds like you and BD spent the last day doing a lot for each other - that's so nice!!!
Your family is so sweet! I missed the blogger con, as well, but it was nice to meet up with my husband in CT to visit with family and attend his brother's wedding, as I hadn't seen him for 6 days!
Sounds like you had a train ride like mine. The Girl and I got stuck sitting in the dining car for over 2 hours on the ride to CT because it was so packed, and people weren't very friendly as we tried to find a place for our luggage. Ah, what can you do?
Glad you managed to snag some good books despite not being there for too long. I only brought home 6 books for myself, and I'm very excited about them.
Diary of an Eccentric
Buddy didn't think you were nuts! The welcome home party sounds wonderful!
Too bad you can't clone yourself huh? I think about that all the time. I bet you were sad to leave all that fun, but I understand missing your family. I get so excited to get some time away from them, then all I do when I'm away is think about them. God bless them and their welcome home party! They missed momma!
I've been enjoying the recaps...the cake boss may take the cake though, eh?!!
I bet it was very fun, welcome home. Sounds like they gave you a nice welcome too!
I love the photo! And you are so right about Condoleeza Rice -- I really didn't think I'd be interested in her book at all, but her presentation totally won me. I loved the way Jon Stewart said "please don't make me like you."
Thanks for the link love.
Every day was fantastic, but you had the best day of all, with that surprise Welcome Home party - they really missed you!
Have you sent Buddy a link to your post, so he can see how Cake Boss inspired BookingDaughter's cupcakes?
I'm thrilled I got to meet you finally! And what a wonderful surprise to come him to. :)
Sounds like you had a busy last day. But isn't it great that you got to meet Cake Boss! I would have been happy to get that book too!
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