Check out their dedicated anniversary website for more details—but here are some of the highlights of what Penguin is doing this summer:
A bright-orange Penguin Mobile (an adorable mini-cooper with the Penguin logo) is driving to bookstores all over the US to bring some of our bestselling authors to parties in their hometowns, increase awareness of The Nature Conservancy, and promote literacy -- I was lucky enough to see it at BEA last May.
At each event, a set of 75 Penguin Books is donated to a local library or literacy group. Each author is signing the Penguin-mobile as it makes its way across the United States, and the summer’s events will culminate with a party at the New York Public Library in September where Penguin will auction the car with the proceeds going to the New York Public Library.
Penguin is also donating sets of books to numerous U.S. military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Penguin’s founder Allen Lane started the paperback revolution with that little flippant but dignified Penguin (his secretary came up with the name and he sent another colleague off to the zoo to make sketches). One year later, 3 million Penguin paperbacks had been sold. Today, the
Penguin imprint alone has over 4000 books in print. To learn more about their history, see here and here.
Giveaway alert: Penguin has graciously offered to send me two terrific books, and I want to share one of them with you. Here's my issue -- I can't decide which book to keep and which book to share so I'm asking for your help. Just leave a comment telling me which book you'd prefer along with your email address; and if your name is picked, then you win the book of your choice! This contest will be open until August 12th at 11:59 p.m. ET, and I will notify the winner the following day. Open to those of you with U.S. and Canada mailing addresses only. Good luck!
Here are your choices THE LIAR'S CLUB or THE PIANO TEACHER:

I would love to read "The Piano Teacher" because the synopsis of this book is intriguing and one that I would choose of the two. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.
That is a tough decision! I'd like to be entered for The Liar's Club. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I was at the pool with friends last night and happend to be discussing Mary Karr -- so that's my vote (and the fact that I have The Piano TEacher already!)
I don't usually read memoirs,but The Liar's Club sounds entertaining.
Shoot! I have them both, so please don't enter me. What a tough decision.
I read The Liar's Club...wow 7 years ago. It's amazing. You should read it! Like now.
It's the perfect time because her new book Lit is coming out soon and I believe it's a continuation of the first two memoirs that she wrote.
Would love to win the other The Piano Teacher since I've already read the first book (and actually own it as well).
I love Penguin books. I enjoy seeing the little orage logo on the spine. I bet the Penguin Mini is adorable. I'd love to read The Piano Teacher.
I would love to read The Piano Teacher. The synopsis sounds interesting, and I love the beautiful cover. Thanks for the giveaway.
Please enter me for The Piano Teacher.
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I'm definately interested in The Piano Teacher. Thanks for the giveaway! Staciele(at)netins(dot)net
I would love to be entered for The Piano Teacher! Thanks!
I would love to read the Piano Teacher - it has been on my wishlist forever!
thanks for offering this giveaway!
Definitely The Piano Teacher for me.
jhsmail at comcast dot net
I can't throw my name in for this one because I've read The Liar's Club (LOVED it) and have The Piano Teacher on my shelves. I think this is what we would call a no-risk proposition!
Please enter me for The Liar's Club. Unless that's the one you'd rather read! hahaha tough decision!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
I'd choose The Liar's Club. It sounds like a fun memoir, and I haven't heard of it before this.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I've had my eyes on The Piano Teacher for some time now...so that's my pick!
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
I would choose The Piano Teacher. I have heard good things about it.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
Great giveaway! I would love to win The Liar's Club because I've already read The Piano Teacher and it was awesome so you should read that one :)
Our book club has already read a few books about WWII (Guernsey & Hotel on Bitter Sweet) so I'm sure they will love 'The Liars Club'...please enter me.
Thanks, ruthiekb72@yahoo.com
I'd love to read The Liar's Club, please! :)
I'd like to be entered in your Penguin anniversary giveaway, and would love to read "The Piano Teacher". Love the cover for it.
I read and enjoyed "The Liar's Club" awhile back. Thank you!
I'd love to read The Liar's Club.
I am interested in reading The Liar's CLub. thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love to read "The Piano Teacher".
I would love to read The Piano Teacher because it sounds intriguing. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I would like to read The Liar's Club. Thanks. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com
I would love the opportunity to read Piano Teacher. It is a possible selection for our book club and I am interested in previewing it. Thank you.
I think I have to go with The Liar's Club. WordLily AT gmail DOT com.
I would love to read The Piano Teacher. Thank you for including me.
tiredwkids at live dot com
I would like to be entered for the Liar's Club please. Thank you.
Sue B
I would like the Piano Teacher.
headlessfowl at jteers dot net
i would enjoy reading 'the piano teacher.' thanks for the chance :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
The Piano Teacher sounds like my kind of story. It gets my vote.
The Piano Teacher looks good!
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
I would choose the Piano Teacher. The storyline and the setting both make the book sound appealing.
I'd love The Liar's Club! Please count me in. Thank you!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I would love to read The Piano Teacher :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
No need to enter me -- I just posted this at win a book for you.
I would love to win Mary Karr’s memoir, THE LIAR'S CLUB ~ what a unique and quirky sounding family.
I would love to read The Piano Teacher. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I would love to read The Liar's Club! I've already read The Piano Teacher and really enjoyed it!
amymelniczenko AT gmail DOT com
I'd love to win The Liar's Club! Thanks, and thanks to Penguin!
oopsie, forgot my e-mail:
I would love to read THE PIANO TEACHER because a tale of betrayal sounds much more exciting to me than one that is funny.
nicolama at cogeco dot ca
I'd love The Liar's Club.
bethsbookreviewblog2 AT gmail DOT com
I would love to read either book, but I have to say that The Liar's Club sounds interesting
I'd love to read The Piano Teacher. Thanks for the giveaway.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to read the liar's club...it just sounds like a book I would enjoy reading
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I would love to win The Liar's Club. It sounds really good!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I would love to win "The Liars Club" Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I would love to read The Piano Teacher. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I would pick "The Piano Teacher" ~ Thanks for the giveaway! :)
safoga at gmail dot com
I'd choose "The Piano Teacher". Thanks for the giveaway!
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
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