Much to my surprise, a reporter from the New York Times contacted me a few days ago to talk about my reaction to this cookbook. She was interested in finding out what "younger" moms thought of the recipes in this revised cookbook. (I informed her that I wasn't so sure that I was still considered a "younger" mom at 41 years of age, but she assured me I was still young enough!)
So, if you're interested, here's a link to the article. My quote appears at the very end!
You're definitely younger to me! I'm so excited for you!!!
Younger to me, too! :--) Congratulations on being a Media Star!!!
Wow! That's so exciting! Congrats, Julie. =)
Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm
That's so cool! Congrats :)
You go Ms. Peterson! I love it.
How fun! Younger . . .you betcha! You certainly qualify as younger to me as I have a daughter that is older than 41. Gads, I must be . . . . well, lets say older than dirt and leave it at that. Good going, kiddo! You made us proud.
That's awesome! Congrats!
So cool!
That *is* super exciting!
Congratulations to you Julie! You got me beat in the youth department by a year...I wonder if I would still count? LOL
Congrats Julie! That's awesome.
That's so cool! Congratulations!
How exciting!!!! Congrats to you!
Wahoo! Congrats!
Well, you speaketh the truth. Canned mushrooms are totally disgusting! Anyway, this is pretty awesome that you have achieved fame. I am curious whether you will see a spike in your readership (definitely from all those canned mushroom haters!)
How exciting!!
Congrats! And I love that at 41 you are considered a younger mom cuz I am 41 too! : )
Very cool - Congrats!!!
How thrilling!!
You have young kids, so that makes you a young mom! :) Congrats! Maybe soon you'll be writing/reviewing for NY Times! :)
Awesome! Congrats!
That is awesome! Congrats!!!
very cool, Julie! (from one canned-mushroom hater to another ...)
OMG is this coolest thing ever. Yay you. WOWOWOWOWOWOW
Oh that is so fun! Congrats on the quote! :D
Very, very cool! Congratulations :)
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