mumblety-peg - The boys would their rifles, play mumblety-peg with Larry's knife, play chase, war, cowboys and Indians, climb trees. (p. 73)
mumblety-peg: a children's game played with a pocketknife, the object being to cause the blade to stick in the ground or a wooden surface by flipping the knife in a number of prescribed ways or from a number of prescribed positions.
What new words did you discover this week?
I knew that one! I can remember my dad talking about playing that when he was a kid.
I've seen little boys play that game. Never knew the name of the game. The word reminds me of Treasure Island or Great Expectations or just plain pirates. I like it.
Being a bit of a tom boy growing up in VA. I actually played this game with my brother and my best friend (a boy).
Here are my new words: http://marthalama.wordpress.com/
The game is familiar to me too. I remember the older boys playing it during recess. Of course, that was in the day when every boy carried a pocket knife. Today, they'd be sent home for carrying such a weapon.
Les Miserables
Translated variously from French as The Miserable Ones, The Wretched, The Poor Ones, The Victims
From the book The Note (page 3) by Angela Elwell Hunt.
I have heard this phrase and never knew what it meant. I never would have thought that's what it was!
I have never heard of this game, sounds fun!
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