turbot - "Sea urchins and turbot, is it Ostentatious?" Tullia's voice again, hectoring the steward. (p. 125)
turbo: a European flatfish, Psetta maxima, having a diamond-shaped body: valued as a food fish.
THE MAPPING OF LOVE AND DEATH by Jacqueline Winspear
syllabub - "Sutton had picked up a spoon and was holding it above the syllabub served for the pudding course." (p. 98)
syllabub: a dessert of beaten cream that is thickened with gelatin, sweetened, and flavored with wine or liquor.
cosh - "Multiple wounds to the skull, you usual blunt object wound -- might have been a cosh, a poker, you name it." (p. 143)
cosh: a blackjack; bludgeon.
What new words did you discover this week?
Turbot ! Yes, a really good fish !
Oh I love this idea! I'll have to start keeping track of new words from my reading and participate in this fun meme! Look for it next week :)
Julie @ Read Handed (http://readhanded.blogspot.com)
I've seen references to syllabub over the years but can't imagine how it might taste. But something about it - the gelatin I think, makes me resist finding out!
I can personally vouch for the fact that turbot is very delicious. Sadly I've never had a syllabub, but last year discovered the wonder that is a fool, which I think is similar to a syllabub- a fool is amazing- fruit and cream and heaven. I've not heard of cosh before.
How funny, I picked cosh last week. I love that word and want to be able to use it. I also knew Turbot, embarrassingly because they use it in Hell's Kitchen (yes, I watch that show).
Those words are all new to me. A syllabub doesn't sound very good to me. Thanks for playing along!
A little syllabub would be nice for dessert tonight. All good words.
I've run across syllabub many times but never bothered to look it up! I had no idea it was a pudding. Weird.
Those are all new to me!
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