Millions of people already eat, look, and feel better thanks to popular podcast host and board-certified nutritionist Monica Reinagel. In her highly-anticipated guidebook she sorts through all the conflicting nutrition information out there—and busts outdated food myths—so you’ll know exactly what to eat (and what to avoid) once and for all. Don’t worry if pasta makes you happy, if chocolate keeps you sane, or if you just can’t stand broccoli; no food is off limits and none is required. Instead, Monica walks you through every aisle of the grocery store and through each meal and snack of the day, helping you make healthier choices and answering your burning questions, including:
· How often should you eat?
· Which organic foods are worth the extra cost?
· Does cooking vegetables destroy the vitamins?
· Should foods be combined in certain ways for better digestion?
Complete with grocery shopping lists, simple, delicious recipes, and sample meal plans, Nutrition Diva’s Secrets for a Healthy Diet will have you feeling healthier, looking better than ever before, and no longer worrying about what to eat for dinner. -- St. Martin's Griffin
It seems like I'm always trying to lead a healthier lifestyle. I try to work out and eat right, but often times, I quickly lapse back into my old bad habits. So every now and then, I try to read a book about nutrition and/or exercise to keep me back on track. The latest one that I picked up was NUTRITION DIVA'S SECRETS FOR A HEALTHY DIET: WHAT TO EAT, WHAT TO AVOID, AND WHAT TO STOP WORRYING ABOUT by Monica Reinagel, MS, LN, CNS.
Overall, I found SECRETS FOR A HEALTHY DIET to be very interesting. It's not exactly a book that I recommend attempting to read in a few sittings like I did unless you really don't know much about healthy eating. I found that I already knew much of the information in this book, but I do read a lot of articles and books about this subject matter. For someone like me, I think this book best acts as a valuable reference tool. I can easily see me picking it up again when I have a question about a specific type of food or when I am looking for a healthy recipe.
There is no doubt that NUTRITION DIVA'S SECRETS FOR A HEALTHY DIET does provide some terrific information about healthy eating. I thought the book was set up in a very unique and user-friendly way. There are two major parts -- Nutrition Diva's Guide to the Grocery Store and The 24-Hour Diet Makeover. I probably most appreciated the section on how to most effectively grocery shop. (Hint: Start with the perimeters for the freshest and healthiest foods.) I enjoyed learning some new facts about healthy (and not-so-healthy) food; however, I also liked some of Nutrition Diva's sensible dieting advice.
One thing that I definitely appreciated about this book was the author's tone. She was very informative and offered tons of advice without being preachy. In addition, her ideas made a lot of sense and were very doable. I felt as if she offered the "right" things to do but also realizes that moderation is the key. If you are interested in learning more about Nutrition Diva and her healthy eating advice, you can check out her website.
Probably what impressed me the most about this book were the various recipes. I always enjoy looking through cookbooks for new ideas, and this book had some very tempting ones. I appreciated that there were a wide range of ideas including breakfast and side dishes. In addition, I loved that she included some charts and graphics which summarized much of the data in the book. For example, she included sample meal plans for various types of eaters as well as a detailed shopping guide and a serving size guide. I found that this information in the back of the book was very helpful to implementing Nutrition Diva's concepts.
I wanted to try at least one of the recipes before writing this review, so I decided to make Apple Pie Oatmeal. I love all things apple and I do enjoy a hot breakfast, so this recipe was perfect for me!
Apple Pie Oatmeal
Serves 1
3/4 cup water
1/3 cup old-fashioned rolled oats or rolled whole grains
1/2 small apple, diced
1/4 teaspoon apple (or pumpkin) pie seasoning or cinnamon
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
Honey, maple syrup, or other sweetener, to taste
1. Combine water, oats or grains, apple, spices, and salt in saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until creamy, about 6-8 minutes.
2. Spoon into individual bowls, sprinkle with nuts, and top (sparingly) with honey, maple syrup, or another sweetener.
TIP: You'll need less sweetener if you drizzle or sprinkle it on top rather than stirring it in.
If you are looking for a good resource on healthy eating that's not preachy, then I recommend NUTRITION DIVA'S SECRETS FOR A HEALTHY DIET.
Thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book.

Eating right has always been a struggle for me. I know right from wrong, but chicken wings are so good! Anything that can help me make better decisions is a good thing. I'm going to see if my library has this. And that oatmeal sounds awesome!
I thought this book contained a lot of valuable information. I'm going to pass my copy on to Vance and keep my fingers crossed that he'll read it.
I am always amazed how little people know about nutrition! You know, they think what's good for them is diet soda, and stuff like that.
I would love to read this book--definitely sounds good. I will have to watch for it since my library does not have a copy.
Anything that gets people to become more interested and involved in their own eating is a good thing. The whole world would change if people started eating well. Think of it. And thanks for the recipe. I want to make it soon!
I haven't had a chance to read this one yet -- but I'm happy that it works as a good resource. And the recipe looks great beause I love oatmeal.
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