Synopsis: Twenty years...two people. Directed by Lone Scherfig (director of "An Education," Academy Award-nominated for Best Picture), the motion picture "One Day" is adapted for the screen by David Nicholls from his beloved bestselling novel One Day. After one day together - July 15th, 1988, their college graduation - Emma Morley (Academy Award nominee Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess of "Across the Universe") begin a friendship that will last a lifetime. She is a working-class girl of principle and ambition who dreams of making the world a better place. He is a wealthy charmer who dreams that the world will be his playground. For the next two decades, key moments of their relationship are experienced over several July 15ths in their lives. Together and apart, we see Dex and Em through their friendship and fights, hopes and missed opportunities, laughter and tears. Somewhere along their journey, these two people realize that what they are searching and hoping for has been there for them all along. As the true meaning of that one day back in 1988 is revealed, they come to terms with the nature of love and life itself. -- Focus Features
Last year, I reviewed an especially touching novel called ONE DAY by David Nicholls. ONE DAY tells the story of longtime friends, Dexter and Emma. The story takes place are every year on the anniversary of their first night together -- thus the title ONE DAY. The book takes the reader through twenty years of their lives -- showing both the times when they are together as well as the times when they are apart. I just loved it!
I am very excited that ONE DAY is hitting theaters in just a few weeks -- August 19th. It stars Anne Hathaway as Emma and Jim Sturgess as Dexter, and I am anxious to see how they portray these characters. I'm not entirely sure that I initially imagined Anne Hathaway as Emma, but the idea has grown on me over the past few months. Needless to say, I can't wait to see the big screen version of this love story!
If you'd like to learn more about the film, you can check out the official ONE DAY website as well as the Facebook page. You can also enter the GoodReads "One Day Summer Reads" Sweepstakes here.
About the Film
Release Date: In Theatres Nationwide August 19
Genre: Romantic Drama
Studio: Focus Features
Starring: Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Patricia Clarkson, Ken Stott, Romola Garai, Rafe Spall
Directed By: Lone Scherfig ("An Education," "Italian For Beginners")
Screenplay By: David Nicholls; based on his novel
Thanks to Focus Features, I have a fabulous ONE DAY prize pack to share with two lucky Booking Mama readers. The prize pack is valued at $30.95 and includes:
• *Autographed* copies of ONE DAY (movie tie-in edition, paperback, signed by David Nicholls)
• Clear cosmetic case
• Necklace
• Moleskin Journal
To enter, just fill out the form below before July 29th at 11:59 p.m. ET. I will randomly select and notify the winners the following day. This contest is open to those of you with U.S. addresses only. Good luck!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
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What a great prize pack! Thanks!
I just have to get this off my chest. I loved this book. I HATE that book cover. They should have left it alone. I will be seeing this in the theater!
Thanks for the giveaway! One Day looks like an amazing book.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I`m so so sad that is not international :(
If you want to check out my post about this book:
GREAT Prize...thanks for opportunity
Thanks for the chance! After reading Sandy's comment, I'll have to go back and see what the non-movie tie-in cover looked like :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
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