Sunday, April 29, 2012

I've Joined the Meg Cabot Read-Along!

New photoMA17907-Cabot_150_2I am probably crazy to even sign up for Book Club Girl's Meg Cabot Read-Along because of my schedule, but I couldn't resist. Meg Cabot is one of Booking Daughter's favorite authors; and while I have read a few of her middle grade books, I haven't read any of her adult books. I figure this read-along is just what I needed to get me reading at least a few of her books!

There is loads of information on Book Club Girl's website about all of the amazing characters that Ms. Cabot has created through the years along with descriptions of the books. Make sure you go here for the details.

Here's the schedule of when Book Club Girl will post questions about each book for us to discuss:

May 22th—Boy Next Door discussion on Book Club Girl
June 12th – Queen of Babble discussion on Book Club Girl
July 3rd - Size 12 is Not Fat discussion on Book Club Girl
July 10th -Size 12 and Ready to Rock goes on sale
July 31st -Size 12 and Ready to Rock discussion on Book Club Girl on Air, post questions for Meg’s Book Club Girl On Air interview at 7PM

It's not to late to sign up! I'm sure this read-along will be a ton of fun especially when Ms. Cabot joins us at the end for an on air interview!


  1. I hope all of the books are winners!

  2. I joined too Julie, I have not read her yet (I know I know) but cant wait!

  3. Thanks for sharing this! I love Meg Cabot and will definitely be signing up for this.

