Monday, November 12, 2018

Mailbox Monday

It's been quite a few years since I've participated in Mailbox Monday, but I've been blogging less since I started working full-time, and I still want to share with you the great books that are on my radar!

I had a fantastic week of book goodies -- I can't remember the last time I received so many books! So many of them look terrific -- what stands out to you?
THE DUKE THAT I MARRY by Cathy Maxwell came from Avon Books

THE OTHER MISS BRIDGERTON by Julia Quinn came from Avon Books

SAVE ME FROM DANGEROUS MEN by S.A. Lelchuk came from Flatiron Books

THE MOTHER-IN-LAW by Sally Hepworth came from St. Martin's Press

EGGS ON ICE by Laura Childs came from Berkley

THE BEAUTIFUL STRANGERS by Camille De Maio came from Lake Union

DRAGONSHADOW by Elle Katharine White came from Harper Voyager

MRS. CLAUS TAKES THE REINS by Sue Fliess and illustrated by Mark Chambers came from Two Lions


  1. That was a full mailbox! The Mother-in-Law sounds really good to me. I wonder if that's what was in my empty Macmillan envelope.

  2. Love Hepworth. Reading The Mother-in-Law now.
