THIS HEART OF MINE by C.C. Hunter came from Wednesday Books
I WAS ANASTASIA by Ariel Lawhon came from Anchor Books
SONG FOR A WHALE by Lynne Kelly came from Delacorte Press
EVERYTHING HERE IS BEAUTIFUL by Mira T. Lee came from Penguin
#IMOMSOHARD by Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley came from HarperOne
THE KILLER COLLECTIVE by Barry Eisler came from Thomas and Mercer
THE FORGOTTEN HOURS by Katrin Schumann came from Lake Union
THE SECRETARY by Renee Knight came from Harper
What was in your mailbox?
Nice mailbox! I Was Anastasia looks really good.
Thanks for sharing I see Renee Knight has a new book coming out very soon. I will need to check that out.
We are very lucky to have Barry Eisler here in Northern California. I make sure to get to all of his launches at a local bookstore. In fact, the next one is on Feb. 7. I imagine it's for the book that you just got in the mail. I don't care what the book is because I read all of his stuff.
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