Monday, July 29, 2019

Mailbox Monday

Welcome back to another Mailbox Monday post! I had a huge book week! We were in London and Paris while dropping off my daughter for her study abroad program, so I missed out seeing these arrive. However, I'll admit it was nice coming home to all of these wonderful books.
THE SEEKERS by Heather Graham came from Mira Books

A BEGGAR'S KINGDOM by Paullina Simons came from William Morrow Books

WHAT RED WAS by Rosie Price came from Hogarth Books

A SWIRL OF OCEAN by Melissa Sarno came from Knopf Books for Young Readers

LOOK! BABIES HEAD TO TOE by Robie H. Harris and illustrated by Anooosha Syed came from Abrams Appleseed

MONSTERS COME OUT TONIGHT! by Frederick Glasser and illustrated by Edward Miller came from Abrams Appleseed

ALL ABOARD! THE AIRPORT TRAIN by Nicole Mara and illustrated by Andrew Kolb came from Abrams Appleseed

IF YOU PLAYED HIDE-AND-SEEK WITH A CHAMELEON by Bill Wise and illustrated by Rebecca Evans came from Dawn Publications

SILENT SWOOP: AN OWL, AN EGG, AND A WARM SHIRT POCKET by Michelle Houts and illustrated by Deb Hoeffner came from Dawn Publications

I'M A GNOME! by Jessica Peill-Meininghaus and illustrated by Poly Bernatene came from Crown Books for Young Readers

What was in your mailbox?

1 comment:

  1. I bet it was fun to come home to all those treasures! Once again, we didn't get any books in common.
